
Thursday, May 25, 2017

counting stars

there is a place
that I cross
when I feel lonely.
where moon greets midnight
and curls of delicate green
glow silver,
where trailing jasmine tendrils,
reserve their fragrance,
to bloom for the night.

here lives the magic
a child might feel
here, lays my affair
with time and seclusion
here leaps dancing visions,
brief flirtations...
a pact
sworn to secrecy
into the late of night

in repose, I spy
fireflies, flitting by
and with each visit
I catch the stars
a knowing look in their eyes.

-lyra okita


  1. I'm in love with this poem. Everything fits together and as you read each line, it flows. Really an amazing job Lyra!

  2. Damn, this is some spicy poetry right here.

    10/10 would enjoy again

    fantastic use of imagery and pizzazz

  3. theres innocence to it that makes me happy

  4. I really liked your usage of effective line breaks and vivid sensory detail. I love the last line. Awesome poem! The tone is really cool too.

  5. I like the use of sensory detail. I especially like "where moon greets midnight
    and curls of delicate green glow silver". This poem is really brought together. Good job!


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