
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Mirror, Marina Aguinsky


I feel...
Such a sense of comfort when I look at you
I wake up every day
and know I am in my own skin

That my hair is my hair
My eyes are my eyes
And my body is my body

I know when I  look at you too much
it can make me a little conceited
Too involved,
with the reflection staring back at me

But again,
you make me face the skin I live in
It’s unavoidable
You force upon me every imperfection
Unable to blur out the blemishes

However, you give me the opportunity to fall closer in love
With that reflection

You show me that I should respect those imperfections
That without them
Who I would be seeing every day
Wouldn’t be

But it took some time for who I see now
To understand the beauty of uniqueness  

There were days where I would look at you
And I didn’t recognize the woeful eyes
Staring back at me

It has been said
“Eyes are the window to the soul”
A soul choking with desolation

You reminded me of the void in my heart
I couldn’t fill no matter what I tried putting in it

Sometimes I would try to avoid you
But you’d follow,
me most of the time

I might’ve walked a little faster
I might've kept my head down
But I knew you were there

Always reflecting the person
I didn’t want to see
As I walked past car windows
Glass buildings
Anything for you to show me
Whose shoes I was walking in

You’d show me the person I couldn’t confront



  1. It's amazing how much your poem has progressed!

  2. I really like this story of seeing yourself in the mirror with all the imperfections and that if you were perfect that it wouldn't be you in the mirror.


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