
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Ode to My Laptop

Image result for macbook air

Ode to my Laptop

A glossy square of metal
Containing an ocean of information
So large
And so diverse
I could spend a lifetime engulfed in its depths.

One tap of a button,
And I am immersed into another world,
With characters and language
Unlike any I have ever seen.

Your ever changing screen can provide
endless enjoyable hours of entertainment
At will.

Your soothing hum
Like that of a content cat
Warms both my lap,
And my heart.

Oh Laptop,
You are a faithful companion,
A knowledgeable seer,
And an unbeatable bard.
But above all,
You are a chance for me to escape the real world
And fall into
a sea of satisfaction.


  1. I really like how you compare the laptop to a content cat because it is very relatable and a good use of simile.

  2. This was a really creative poem, I like how you thanked your laptop for letting you "escape the real world." I also like the structure of your poem.


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