
Thursday, May 25, 2017


Clouds clustered in a
Configuration of my greatest
A hollow, menacing skull
I run

The raging beast
Sniffing with its monstrous, gray snout
Charges forward with threatening determination
Trees fall and plants razed
I run

Thunder roars overhead
Nothing can be heard aside from
The sound of footsteps in the rain
and snarls in the background
I cover my ears
Wishing for this day to be over
as I tread through this depraved swamp
Fear grabs on to me
and slowly begins to envelop my heart
I run

Past the glittering stones
Littered throughout the flourished forest floor
Past the tropical birds
Gawking at me with their outstretched beaks
All in a straight line of green, blue, red and black
I run

The path converges
Sending me to the verge
of disaster
Bending down
I pick up a stick
I turn around

I stand.


  1. I really like the imagery in every stanza and the repetition of "I run". I also like how you started your poem with the alliteration of C's - I think that was clever and interesting.

  2. Your sensory detail made this poem really easy to imagine in my head, and I think your repetition of "I run" ending with "I stand" is really interesting.

  3. I really enjoyed the repetition of "I run," and the ending of "I stand." It created a sense of urgency and movement, finishing with an ending to stop the action.


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