
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Passing Period

Drew Guggeis
Ms. Bennett
WLH p. 1

Passing Period
The bell blares
Frustrated, I stand to the command of a noise
Pick up my things, reluctant to add another unnecessary weight to myself
Exit the room, exit the forest

Open hallways filled with open hearts
Avoiding eye contact, avoiding avoiding eye contact
Pick up the pace, watch out!
Tensions swell, feet scatter
Rooms identical, almost an illusion

The noise may blare again soon
We all know what that means,
Absolutely nothing until someone else says so
Sorry, excuse me, my bad, you suck i don’t care that I ran into you
However i remain vegetarian in my desire for tension
I don’t want any beef

Despite all the walking, talking, and troubled stares
I can’t help wandering, pondering and absorbing the sun glares

Closer to my class
Closer to which class, the one that’s boring or the one that’s boring
Oh right the one with that one person
Oh that one person
With legs and all that
Voice of a normal person
Yet so abnormal

Sit, relax, take it in
You’ve made the journey
Between the forests, through a valley
With views of sparkling skies and winding rivers

But you never took a breath

Never smiled at him, never said hi to her
But you’re both wandering between the forests
The bell blares
Another time, then


  1. This poem was very relatable - I loved your "vegetarian" line!

  2. I really like this poem bc it's incredibly relatable and I know how you feel about people


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