
Thursday, May 25, 2017


i was the last one born into a family of 8
as i grew older, 8 slowly trickled into 7, into 6, and then 5.
myself, mommy, dad, gege
and our last dog.

from nights sitting on the kitchen floor,
my hand feeding her dinner
to make sure that she ate,
to carrying her outside,
since she could no longer go through the dog door:
her hips creaking like a broken door.
and paws worn out like your favorite pair of old shoes.

she would stop at the bottom of the stairs,
incapable of doing what she had been doing
for years;
as if fourteen steps were fourteen miles
a hill too steep to climb.

i would rise with ease,
able to do what she couldn’t
and scoop her up in my arms;
and carry her up.
and then down.
and up again.

and then, one day, when her tail stopped wagging,
and her heart stopped beating,
my mom scooped her up into her arms
just like i had
and took her down the stairs
for the last time.
and just like that, 5 became 4.


  1. Wow, I really love this poem. I like the simplicity in the way you told your poem, and I can feel +relate to the sadness of watching your dog grow older and ultimately becoming incapable of many things she once could do. The last line was so heartbreaking yet simple. The title of your poem is also really fitting - like the last dog, but also last as in, in the end, she couldn't last through old age. Really nice job!

  2. I really like how you really expressed your connection with your dog and how powerful you made it when you showed how your dog was struggling but he hung in there till the end.

  3. I love this dog, even though I haven't met her. Your poem is truly moving, and I love your line that says, "as if fourteen steps were fourteen miles."

  4. I liked how your related the first stanza to the last with the amount of people in the house. My favorite line was paws worn out like your favorite pair of shoes

  5. im so sad why would you do this to me lauren


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