
Thursday, May 25, 2017


A typical conversation
Between me and someone new

Goes something like

Yes, I am half asian
Yes, I lived in China
no I’m not Chinese
Im half korean
Half white….

When life was bright
but the clouds bleak
when I struggled to find my identity
Being asian was

Practically all my friends were Korean
Forget that half white part of me
I was Korean too
I was unique and part of the few
Asians at a white populated school

But i was still white
And was reminded of that every time
I stared at the porcelain girl
Whose freckles populated her face
and outlined her facial structure she inherited from her
White dad   

Back then when life was free
but the clouds polluted
when I struggled to learn chinese
Being white was

As the blend in-barely existing-who again?
Being white was less a part of my identity
And instead a game
I played whenever i grasped for

At our asian majority school
I was
I had lived in

Practically all my friends were white
And popular
And no longer was I a nobody
But a white girl who hung out with few other
White kids

Yet I confined myself into separate circles
Playing a game of would you rather

Would you rather fit in the white stereotype
Or fit in the asian stereotype

Would you rather be seen as social dumb butterfly
Or a no life studier  

Continuously these tangled struggles strangled my balance

“But i can be both right?
Im wasian”.

Now life is a mystery
but the clouds are fluffy
I am still struggling to learn chinese
And sometimes I struggle to find myself

But when i look in the mirror
I now see a girl whose porcelain white skin is a turbulent blend inherited from her


  1. Being a wasian myself I think you did a wonderful job expression the struggle of being too white or too Asian to really fit in in certain places and situations.

  2. This is an incredible poem, I really like how you explore the positives of being both Korean and white.


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