
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Fake Reality, Fake Me

A fake corpse to consume
It’s hard to go resume
When your soul lifts from your head
And leaves you in the next land.

It’s fake, it’s fake.
There’s no choice, there’s no corpse.
Just leave me alone.
Don’t know where to go.

There’s only a force.
Not physical or
Anything sort
Of reality since
I give it a pinch.
I wake up again.
Again and again.

No difference it seems
To the drumming of means
To never be free
From piercing normalcy.


  1. My favorite aspect of this piece was your use of the device of rhyming. That made the poem flow really when and made it interesting! My favorite line is the last two when you say "To never be free from piercing normalcy" which I thought was a great way to end the poem and your word choice was great.

  2. I really love the rhyme and the metaphors in this poem! I think that the message of this poem was somewhat abstract, making it more relatable to different people.


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