
Thursday, May 25, 2017

White Chocolate Mochas

White Chocolate Mochas

It's been over 365 days
Yet it feels like yesterday we said “see you later” even though
We knew it was goodbye
I still cherish those moments we were sipping
White chocolate mochas drinking
Our worries away
about a future as best friends as though
Nothing would change
Because you were the best friend I had been searching for,
The one that always put a smile on my face
When you stood up for me
When no one else did
You always made sure
I was okay
With your vibrant and positive personality
That was so caring
But now we are
exactly five thousand three hundred four miles apart
Yet our friendship is closer than before
Through the letters and messages we send.
Yet I really miss you talking about your book
and the code names we had like
Voldemort and pineapple,
And the way we giggled when they looked at us.

Because the truth is I miss you then ever before.


  1. I really enjoy reading this and seeing the story that's pieced together with seeing your friendship still remain strong.

  2. Your last line is really powerful.

  3. Your poem is really well written, powerful and provokes emotion!


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