
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

irresponsibility in the form of wool

having a cashmere sweater is no mere, mundane thing
having a cashmere sweater is a luxury
having a cashmere sweater is everything you’ve ever wanted
wrapped in a little box and tressed in a satin bow

sometimes it scares me when i have something
beautiful or precious or special
it’s a little scary like
when i was three years old i had this passion for bubble wrap
every time a package came in the mail
the first thing i went to was the cushioning inside
it was always the most adored possession i ever owned
but every time i burst each air droplet
bit by bit
my most valuable treasure would be ruined

i think it’s a little bit like that
knowing that you’re holding onto something extraordinary
but knowing you’re going to destroy it regardless
a stormcloud always about to strike lightning
a nebula forever on the verge of collapse
a mountain crumbling in on itself with no way of finding an escape

i know that i’m going to ruin this cashmere sweater
(i ruin lots of things)
and you’d think that if i knew i was going to ruin it
why buy it in the first place?

i have this tendency to jump into things even when i know
oh my god,
this is going to be a disaster
but i kind of thrive off the adventure leading up to it
i thrive off the feeling of knowing i’m making a mistake
but doing it anyways

i don’t know why that irresponsibility excites me
but i know that sometimes i go weeks without making a bad decision and i think
this is kinda boring
or sometimes i watch gossip girl and i think
i need some drama in my life too
so i tell my friend i hate her

and sometimes i love people
(almost radically so)
or i let people love me and i think
oh… this is gonna kill me
and it when it almost does i vow to never, ever, ever do that ever again
but the next week i think
oh my god this boy i saw for 0.5 seconds on the train
yeah, we’re gonna get married
our kids are gonna have his jawline and my… everything else

sometimes i think that i make the wrong decisions on purpose
like maybe it’s a habit born from a previous life
not like the Buddhist wheel of life
more like the elise from one, two, three years ago

like maybe making the wrong decision is a part of me
so deeply ingrained that i honestly don’t know how to avoid it anymore
(i don’t know if i want to avoid it anymore)

and i know
that at one point (possibly very soon)
i’m going to get ketchup on my beautiful cashmere sweater
but i’m going to eat that hot dog anyways
and i’m going to pray that this time it’s different
that i’m different

(spoiler alert : i’m not)

1 comment:

  1. This is an awesome poem! Your tone is really authentic and genuine, and the stylistic choices with the italics and line breaks really add to the poem. The extended metaphor and symbol of the sweater makes the poem cohesive.


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