
Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Back in the fourth grade
I met my best friend
He’s a little strange, If I’m honest
A weird but beautiful Alice and Wonderland type of strange

I can make fun of him
Pretend to take his food
Take his toys away
He never responds in anger
always with a friendly smile
Not a big toothy one
A slight, understanding smile
A thin, lopsided smile
It is my favorite smile

One day I came home in tears
I tried to hide it from him
I was an amatuer poker player, and he saw right through my bluff.
He didn’t say anything, no judgement, no nothing
He never seems to talk, which is odd I guess
They say best friends should talk often, but perhaps it’s better this way
All he does is wait, like a loyal dog awaiting his owner's return
Then he makes his move
walks over to my bedside
And drops…
“Oh you can’t be serious” I sigh
At the sight of a slobbery, matted stuffed animal that is now on my bed
I can almost see it eroding away from all the use
Right there, on my bed
Confused by my hesitation to accept his generous gift
He expertly maneuvered his long furry nose to give his “toy” one more final push
Accompanied by a quick tail wag and smile
I burst out in laughter
And just like that it was over
I was happy again
that is why I love my dog
My four legged lopsided, slobbery
Yet perfect
Best friend


  1. You really put me in for a suprise!! Oh boy. Was not expecting for the friend to be a dog!

  2. I thought this was really interesting, and your use of metaphors really strengthened the poem.


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