
Thursday, May 25, 2017



White roses dance in the wind   
Passed down from generation to generation
Melancholy accompanies the petals whirling around in the summer's air
Their thorns are the flashbacks of a swing set, and a child’s laughter
They harbor the pastimes of love

White roses dance in the wind
Hopes are crushed
While lost aspiration escape their roots
Acceptance letters blind the weak and hurt the ones who’ve worked so hard for them
They grow in place of the hollow cavern that is your soul

White roses dance in the wind
Apologies never spoken
And rings never planted
Broken promises
Demanding spouses  
And decomposed veils

White roses dance in the wind
Nurtured in their final home
Cut by their “loving” owner
Picked because they are beautiful
Kept because they are dead
Thrown out because they no longer entrance beings with their love

White roses dance in the wind
For our dreams were better than our reality
Life ends, and another journey begins
Because like white roses
We eventually die off too


  1. I love how the poem ends, I think you wrap up your message and connect back to the central theme really well! You also have great imagery in your poem.

  2. I love the first stanza especially the line," Their thorns are the flashbacks of a swing set, and a child’s laughter ". I think it really speaks to people who played outside as a kid and you did a wonderful job of tying in roses into the different times in our life.

  3. I love how each stanza uses ¨white roses dance in the wind¨
    it gives structure to the poem in a good way.

    Love the pizzazz and flare in your poem as well

  4. I love a good repetition. Honestly the repetition in this poem gets to me every time Desi. I read this yesterday and I love how you've connected multiple aspects of your life in a meaningful way.

  5. I like the formatting and how you have white roses dance in the wind repeat throughout. My favorite line was "picked because they are beautiful"

  6. I love the intense imagery of your poem - you can really feel its meaning and effect. The repetition of "white roses dance in the wind" place emphasis on this too!

  7. I like your good use of repetition, and the sensory detail you included in your poem. Nothing seems forced it just flows naturally.


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