
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Hush Child

Hush child, can you hear the wind roaring in the storm
We are insignificant compared to Mother Nature
For when she says it shall rain, it shall rain
It shall rain without regard,
Intent on sweeping us away in its single minded mission
To drip drop once again

Hush child, can you hear the cries in the distance,
We paint blue skies into scarlet tears as echoes continue to ring,
But, when the world runs red with bloodshed, it shall rain
It shall rain tears of the fallen, for the lost, tearing apart humanity without regard to emotions,
For we will still return back and continue once more our pointless conflicts

Hush child, can you hear the night changing to day,
We can now start over,
For when the day changes, a new page begins,
It shall begin like every other day
And maybe, this time, we will be able to change


  1. 1. I really like how you used repetition in your poem it was very effective
    2. My favorite line is "And maybe this time, we will be able to change"
    3. Your details are very good, it definitely paints a picture in my head.

  2. I love the common format you have through all of your stanzas, and how you start with the same thing. It really adds a sense of flow to your poem, because you're allowing the reader to really be able to read along easily.

  3. I really like the use of repetition in your poem


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