
Thursday, May 25, 2017

An Overdue Ode

You came in a box.
Vibrant colors of white and gray,
I would soon call you
My knight in shining armor
Because you saved me from my ugly handwriting.

Your face would gleam
Beaming with the knowledge you provided for me
Sacrificing everything you had
For my success and happiness.

You were mine and my own
And I wanted you to stay and be perfect.

But after a while, you sounded heated
Empty inside, you shut down on me.
We were both
Frustrated, fatigued, fazed
But I could tell
Your radiant visage was replaced
with a wearisome look.

And soon you left me.
Left me wondering
How I could get you back
What I could have done to make you stay by my side
How I could fill this empty spot next to me

I remember...
You came in a box.
I know I’m late

This is my ode to you.


  1. I like how you used humor at the start in order to lighten up the poem with the critique of your handwriting. My favorite lines were the last 3 lines, since it just shows the lost relationship between you and your computer.

  2. I really like this poem. I like how you don't outright show that this poem is an ode to your laptop, but instead allows the reader understand as he/she reads down. I especially like the line about the night in shining armor + the ugly handwriting. it's fitting, funny, and I can relate.

  3. I really like how you portrayed the emotional connection you had with your laptop and gave it emotions like when it got "heated" and shut down on you. Without actually saying that it's your laptop, you deliver the message really clearly so people know what it's about without being so straightforward

  4. I enjoyed how relatable the poem was, and how the subject matter was not very obvious. My favorite line was "vibrant colors of white and gray," because it gives a sense of irony, as white and gray are not very vibrant.


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