
Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Monster Under the Bed

By the time we are old enough to understand
that there is no such thing as the “monster under the bed”,
a new one
comes to haunt us.
Except this monster isn’t like the one before.
It walks side by side with us in the hallways,
it looks like us,
dresses like us,
talks like us,
but it judges us,
blames us,
it makes us believe
that we are worthless.
Insignificant beings that do not deserve
to be standing on the same soil
that our ancestors who bestowed us
our family names once stood.

Yet we choose to hide under the covers of our blankets
because we believe that
in doing so,
we will be protected from this “monster”.
But in doing so,
we expose our hearts
and our vulnerability,
allowing it to shackle chains to our mind
so that it can pull us down into the bottomless depths
along with it.

We allow it to meld our thoughts
into one of its liking,
One deadened by the fear of
for no one but ourselves.

But when will we come to understand
that this monster is just a fragment of our imagination?
When will the be moment we come down from the bed,
And realize that this is the only way we can shatter
those chains that bind us to it?

This monster plays with our fears,
But our fears do not define who we are.
the broken chains that once tethered us
now signify our

We can grow from our fears,
Just like we grew to understand

that there is no such thing as the monster under the bed.


  1. I love the way that you used end-stopped lines and enjambment to create a lot of variety in your piece. This worked really well. My favorite line is "It walks side by side with us in the hallways, it looks like us, dresses like us, talks like us, but it judges us, blames us, it makes us believe that we are worthless." This line is an amazing way to show how our fears are all around us. I love the reality of this poem and how relatable it is.

  2. This poem makes a really great analogy to the "monster under the bed" story which everyone can relate to. Even though the poem is about how we judge ourselves really harshly, it ends on a positive note of strength and empowerment that encourages people to "break free" of the chains they've bound themselves with.

  3. I really like the way style of the poem and how you go from the monster following us everywhere to defeating the monster that follows us.

  4. Love the "monster under the bed" as a metaphor for life. I really like your skillful line breaks and empowering message.

  5. I really like how your called this poem monster under a bed, a "metaphor" for how life is stressful. I really liked your structure in the poe and the last line "that there is no such thing as the monster under the bed" showing how we shouldn't be afraid of anything.


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