
Thursday, May 25, 2017

What Am I Feeling

George Poppitz
Mrs. Bennett
World Lit Honors 1’st Period
24 March 2017

What Am I Feeling
Image result for barren desert
I am sitting alone
Completely devoid of emotion
Treading water in an expansive ocean
Lost underneath a gray sky
Surrounded by nothing on all sides

A barren desert
Windswept by people that passed by
Occasionally a tumbleweed bounces through
A text lights up my phone
Someone wanders into my life
A little glow of feeling
And I smile
But then I put down my phone
Stop texting and focus
There is school work to do
I return to the emptiness

I must feel something
Maybe I am sad
That sounds about right
I am certain that the girl I like hates me
My chemistry grade is struggling
I feel isolated
There are maybe three people I consider good friends
Nothing I do is ever good enough
The sadness is just being pushed down
So instead I feel nothing
But maybe deep down its sadness

Or am I happy?
That could be it
I live a good life
I am impossibly privileged
My parents always provide for me
I have a great support structure
I have no right to complain
So even though right now I feel nothing
Buried underneath layers of apathy
I should be happy

Even though it is buried
I should feel something
There is no way that I can be devoid of emotion
I have my entire life ahead of me
I need to laugh
Be human
This state of emptiness can’t be right
Underneath this blanket of darkness
There must be a flicker of light
I’ll take something
I just want to know that something isn’t wrong with me
I need to feel


  1. This was a powerful poem George. My favorite aspect of the piece was where you have line breaks with the single words cry, love, and be human. And my favorite line is: occasionally a tumbleweed bounces through.

    1. Ah, I forgot to mention. This poem really connects with me in that feeling of loneliness. I feel you. I do. I have those moments as well, and while it is painful and hard, we get through them. As Robert Frost says, life goes on.

  2. The emotion put into this poem is really intense and I can relate to you on this. I enjoyed the metaphorical actions you used to describe emotion.

  3. I really like how relatable this poem is, and just how very much George it is. I could hear this being read in your voice, it was very true to who you are


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