
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Aunt Joan

Ben Rubin
Bennett 2
Poetry Anthology

Aunt Joan
By Ben Rubin

I once asked my Great-Aunt Joan
To share with me some wisdom.
She replied,
“If you know to ask me,
You are wise enough to teach some.”

There I sat,
At the question I had asked.

I stared blankly at her lightning blue eyes,
her smile that could warm a fire
Acting like I knew what she meant.

But she had me at a loss.

She nodded and smiled,
Eliciting a reply.
Hoping I would figure out her riddle
Hoping I would succeed, not just try.

Oh I yearned to understand her.
I wish I understood my Dear Aunt Joan.

My Dear Aunt Joan who I care for so deeply.
My Dear Aunt Joan who smokes.
My Dear Aunt Joan who laughs at all my jokes.
My Dear Aunt Joan had me stumped.
And My Dear Self had had enough.

I craved cold, hard knowledge, not riddles.
I teethed at the thought of being given the answer.

My Dear Aunt Joan had me stumped.
And I had had enough.

She continued with only a few more words.
“The answer will come with time.”
Only later would I realize the wisdom was already mine.


  1. I like the movement of this poem and how it starts off with you knowing nothing and then you eventually gaining the info you wanted. Much pizzazz as well

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really like the way this poem flows, I think you did a great job and I am really happy to see how well the final product came out


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