
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Dear Country Clubs

Dear country clubs,
I would join you but that's not my cup of tea.
Or even my cup of coffee for that matter.
I heard you like your drinks by the poolside
And under the shade you talk about politics like they just affect you
News-flash, they affect everybody.
Your clothes look old and your mindset is dull.
Too bad you can't buy a new one.

Dear country clubs,
I heard you like sports,
Like golfing, swimming, dishing out rumors about your neighbors
WAIT! scratch the last one.
Your alcoholics just admit it nothing is wrong with it
Just means you like to drink your feelings away.
WAIT! Scratch that, you don't have feelings.

Dear country clubs,
Say hi to stone cold statues and pool boys
Say hi to the horses
Say hi to your fancy martinis.
It would mean a lot,

since I never was allowed in your club….


  1. I really like this line, "And under the shade you talk about politics like they just affect you." It does a really good job conveying your message! I also like how you centered your message around the idea of "country clubs."

  2. I like how you used country clubs to show your message, and how you used poetic devices to show the message well. It has a nice humorous element too :D


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