
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Where I'm From

i come from
sun-soaked afternoons
heartbeats pounding in sync
hands soaked in the bliss of ignorance

i come from
somewhere over the rainbow
where our treasure chests
hold pride, success, and hidden failures

i come from
a place where i hold my loved ones dear
and my numbers dearer,
digits that dictate lives under the acronym

i come from
used-to-be sunny afternoons
overcast by that one test i failed,
heartbeats pounding in sync
each beat laden with that omnipresent, overwhelming what if?,
hands soaked in the sweat and tears of late nights poring over books

i come from
a place where i wonder if my everything
will never be quite there and
never quite enough.

i come from
someplace where i’m learning that sometimes my Worry
only haunts me because i
have cleared a space for it in my living room,
allowed it to sit for a minute too long,
lingering on the “what if” instead of the “what now”

i come from
an idyllic town teetering on the edge of june

i’ve finally started my spring cleaning
and i know i’m a little late
but yesterday, i tidied the drawers
i threw out the “what ifs”
i ushered Worry out the door
and left its baggage on the curb

i come from
a place where Worry has overstayed its welcome
and no longer takes up my couches

i come from
a place where my heart now beats with the rhythm

of living in the “now”.


  1. I really like your 3rd stanza, "and hold my numbers dearer" really stood out to me and felt really accurate and prevalent in the lives of teenagers today.

  2. Jackie this is really great! I love the line,"a place where Worry has overstayed its welcome" and I can definitely relate to being overly worried as you know by my screeching in Chemistry.

  3. Love your poem! It's so true and relatable. Love the lower case aesthetic too--like proper English and grammar and all these traditional things are just thrown out the window.

  4. I love how this poem is very relatable, and how everyone can relate to what you're saying. I really like the beginning and how it kind of slowly goes into being about grades


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