
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster
It nestles upon the shelf,
Waiting, watching
Absorbing every aspect of the room,
Uneasy, yet remaining quiet.

It stays locked up
Until finally,
One day,
A venturing hand decides to reach into it.

Chubby fingers lift the lid,
And grab a piece of what’s inside.
But after this, it knows
it will never be the same
without that specific piece.

Soon enough, another person takes a piece,
Followed by another,
Until there is almost nothing left,
Leaving only fragments
of the memories
That used to be.

It sits idle,
Looking down at the world around it,
But unable to do anything
To prevent its inevitable demise.

Yet instead,
A welcoming hand brushes over the lid
one last time,
Refilling the cookie jar with a different novelty,
A new purpose,

And new hope.


  1. I love your personification of the cookie jar in this way. You really made me feel sad for it when the cookies were being taken out and the joy of new cookies being put in. The line "It nestles upon the shelf, Waiting, watching Absorbing every aspect of the room, Uneasy, yet remaining quiet." was my favorite in the poem, and it really helped bring the cookie jar to life right from the start. This poem made me think of taking cookies from my grandmother's cookie jar, and that made me smile.

  2. I really love how you were able to take such a simple, inanimate object and transform it into something that is so alive. It's really interesting how you were able to make such a relatable feeling out of such a commonly known action, such as taking a cookie out of a cookie jar.

  3. I like how you were able to compare a cookie jar with emotions like sadness and hope, which helped to convey your message while still making it relatable to everyone reading it. Also, I like how you chose to personify a cookie jar instead of another object because as a child many of us have tried to steal cookies from a jar.


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