
Wednesday, May 24, 2017



Pretty and porcelain
To delicate to touch
Jaimie is meant to be looked
Never to touch

That’s what I have been told
Throughout my life
By all those who’ve loved me
I am
The one painted
Constellations traced
By connecting my freckles
The one written about
Poems on the softness of my skin
The one with stars in her eyes
That make you see a future
For us

But here I am
I’m no longer the muse
Words have broken that girl down
She learned that to love
is to hurt
Taken advantage of with her kind eyes
And easy smile
Always putting others first
No longer do I romanticize
I don’t date writers
Or artists
I no longer want to be seen as something more than I am

White lace and pink nails
Do not mean I’m fragile
I’m happy to be called his “IHOP Angel”
As he watches me eat a burger at 1am
With grease all over my hands
Laughing at me as I grab apple juice from target
Because I don’t even drink soda
Calling me five as he buys me bubbles and bouncy balls
After a test he knew I was worried about
I’m more than happy to no longer be the muse
Because love doesn’t hurt anymore
Love feels like laughter now
And eating pasta up on hills in fancy clothes
Because I can see the future in his eyes

What more could I ask for?


  1. I really like the last line because of all the emotion it shows and the change from the beginning of the poem to the end.

  2. I love this poem! I loved the way you rhymed and the way you explained yourself in the beginning. The use of words are very interesting and match the mood throughout.

  3. this right here is high quality. Love the tone and use of wording
    very good pizzazz use.

  4. Great job! I loved your use of rhyme as a poetic device and your use of line breaks to really keep my focus. Beautifully expressed message.

  5. I really like how you showed really strong emotion throughout the entire poem, and I think you had a really strong ending


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