
Monday, September 19, 2016

Time Will Pass

Time will fall through our fingertips
As the days go by like a river flows
While time flies by like a bird in the sky

Within the chaos of passing time
Remember where you are
Not the future nor the past
Embrace the gift of the present

Cleanse your thoughts of greed and desire
For it will only make you tired
Don’t think about your regrets
Don’t think about your imperfections
Don’t think about your failures

Like a river we have no control
Like a river we go where it flows

Be simple
Open minded
For today will not come again
While dwelling on the past and future
You will miss the gift right in front of you

The present


  1. I really like the metaphors throughout the poem. The way it extends throughout the whole poem creates a clear image of what is trying to be conveyed and also ties the whole poem together.

  2. I also really liked the metaphors that you used throughout the poem. You also applied the Tao style to it.

  3. I love the feeling and the flow of the words throughout this poem. It really reiterates that idea to go with the flow during life, and to stop living in the past or future. It has a great message!


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