
Monday, September 19, 2016

Give and Take

Give and Take
by Sarika Sethi

We know success,
We see it all around us.
We crave it,
Withdrawal symptoms appearing at the slightest deviation.
Our body can’t be deprived,
Won’t be deprived.

We would give away limbs for a sign of superiority,
For money, for cars, for handbags,
But where does that get us?

Do we gain value from our materials?
Are we defined by a brand?
Does the tag on my shirt show my value?
Does a Louis Vuitton bag make me superior?
Are we better people if we have more?

Can we ever be happy with what we have?
You can only miss something once you have owned it.
You can only love someone once you have known them.
You can only feel satisfied with who you are if you have had nothing.

When we have been given the world,
How can we not ask for more?

Image result for free to use and share louis vuitton bag


  1. I really like this poem, I think it shows the ways of society in an interesting way that shows deep thinking. Good job!

  2. I really like your poem. It is cool how you made it about people never being satisfied with what they have and also how people are very materialistic. The questions you asked within the poem were similar to the style of one of the Tao te Ching poems. Nice job!

  3. I really enjoyed this poem. I like how you connect the themes of the Tao to our natural materialistic tendencies as humans.

  4. This is a very inspiring poem. You were able to express this message in a poem! Great job!


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