
Monday, September 19, 2016


One must master the cryptic art of living by the Tao
With care and precision.
The slightest of shifts in the center of gravity
Causes an entire structure to crumble.
The tiniest of pushes of a precarious structure
Causes irreparable destruction.

The Tao does not tolerate any interference
Or any desire.
One who chases after a pile of gold
Never obtains it.
One who channels his energy into an inner peace
And cares deeply about each detail within his world
Eventually wins the gold.

One must relinquish any temptations for refinement and riches,
Pursuing instead to be lived by the Tao in complete austereness.

Simplicity gives rise to satisfaction.
Simplicity gives rise to riches.
Simplicity gives rise to refinement.
Simplicity gives rise to the Tao.

In having no expectations,
Every gain is an accomplishment,
A step closer to embodying the Tao.
The key is not to actively chase the Tao,
But to let it run its course and come to you.
Do not live the Tao.

Rather, be lived by it.


  1. Your poem provided a clear insight into what the Tao really is and how someone achieves the Tao. I also liked how you used repetition to emphasize the main points of your poem.

  2. I liked how you repeatedly used a parallel and repetitive poetic structure to imitate the style of the Tao. Your poem really effectively summarizes the idea of the Tao and how you can "implement" it.

  3. I really liked your poem, it really imitated the style of the Tao poems in a beautiful way. I specifically liked your last two lines.


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