
Monday, September 19, 2016

Quietly Alone

Quietly alone, he plays by himself
Others reach for attention
grasping at empty space

Quietly alone, he sits still
Others are innovating together
Quietly alone, he sits there
quietly alone

Others shine bright like the sun
Quietly alone, he is like the moon,
only a reflection of their brightness

Others follow one another
copy machines, duplicating
Quietly alone, he builds his own characters
constructing the pieces
one by one by one

Others accumulate more material objects
Quietly alone, he is collecting knowledge,
gaining intellectual wealth

Though there are millions of others, he by himself is bigger
stronger, more powerful


Tao Te Ching resides in his soul  


  1. I like how you tied the Tao into your poem and how at first the lonely person seemed weaker but then turned it around to make him better.

  2. I really liked the use of repetition in this poem! I think that the theme of individualism is really prominent in this poem and it's great that you chose that because it's really important for people to learn to succeed on their own. I especially loved the line about the moon and how the specific individual was "a reflection of their brightness." That was a golden line for me.

  3. I like how similar the first two stanzas are. They are much more powerful like that.

  4. I really like how you made Tao Te Ching into a person, it really brought your poem to life and allowed me to visualize it. Also, the way you made the Tao seem weak in the beginning and throughout the course of the poem made it the reader realize that it is strong.


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