
Monday, September 19, 2016

The Path to Success

Trees are born with shallow roots,
they can simply be swayed by the wind
or effortlessly pulled from the earth.
Only if their roots art firm
will they be able to grow powerful
and tower above the rest.

Thus whoever is weak minded
can easily be swayed by others opinions.
Those who are strong and firm in their beliefs
are the ones who blossom into success.

True accomplishments can be gained
through hard work and concrete beliefs.
It can't be gained
through laziness and halfhearted ideas.

Follow only yourself,
don't let others sway your beliefs.
Work hard for what you believe in,
don't sit around hoping it comes to you.
That is the path to success.


  1. I really like the analogies you use in this poem! The part about true accomplishments remind me of the Tao de Ching because it is written in the same twisted language where it states that something can be gained by doing something, but can't be gained by doing something else.

  2. This poem was very nice to read Kelly! I really liked how this piece painted a picture in my mind and was easy to understand. You used a very original idea to capture the main purpose of the topic. I loved it!

  3. I like how you explain things. I also really like your analogies; I think they are good at comparing weaker versus stronger. It explains how you can't really accomplish anything if you don't try, but then it tells you how you can be successful.


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