
Monday, September 19, 2016

Drew Guggeis
Ms. Bennett
WLH p.1
Show Kindness
Show kindness to others,
And you will receive kindness.
Show hatred to others,
And you will receive kindness.
Unfair actions will result in unfair consequences.
Generous actions will have generous results.
Help a man and receive the gift of charity,
Ignore a man and receive ignorance.
To gain peace will yourself,
You must gain peace with others.
Unrest with your peers,
Will cause unrest with yourself.
Keep yourself calm,
Kind yourself kind,
Keeping openness to others,
will open your mind.


  1. I really like the last four lines of your poem. It is simple and conveys the message clearly.

  2. I like how your poem is written about kindness, and the theme of treating others the way you want to be treated. :)


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