
Monday, September 19, 2016


Just a simple tune
So easily stuck in your head
Whether you're staring at the moon
Or lying in your bed
Music is like a painting with words
The melody flies like birds
Oh what a sound you hear every day
I hear emotion in the music I play

Though not everyone hears it
And some people can't feel this
Your favorite song is now a hit
Music provides us with a feeling of bliss
Through melodies and sounds
You see the world around


  1. I really enjoyed the imagery and simplicity of the poem throughout your poem, which is also very reminiscent of the Tao Te Ching. I can relate to this because I really enjoy listening to music.

  2. I agree that music is a really powerful tool and I think that you did a nice job conveying that message throughout the poem.

  3. The rhyme scheme that you have here makes your poem enjoyable to read aloud. Great Job!

  4. This poem had really great rhythm and painted nice images. It flowed nicely and was fun to read.


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