
Monday, September 19, 2016


Albert Zhao, Poetry

The shadows around, flipped like butterflies
Merit to merit, the wings flash in splendid shadow
The wind blows harsh through the wave-leaves
Never to be sunlit in the moist and mossy crevices
Intermittent with the green and blue lights
Each tap counterbalanced by loud silence
When the blades whither but the flowers bloom
Even when the dark lions prowl under jeweled moons
The silent shrew shakes in its warm burrow
But until the moon drips red with blood
And the wind shivers away from the clouds

There will always be the hidden heartbeat

Remember this, when the storm shakes your ship
And the cots begin to leak dark water
When the bulbous shadow pry at the door
Coaxing to be let into the small room
There will always be the hand against the light;
The voice from amongst the crowd
Which will become revealed at your opportune moment.
Image result for dark waves


  1. The detail and imagery is really cool in this poem. I think you really did a good job with the boat sinking/ having problems. Then a great ending all the build up and I was thinking what is this about and then just one line to explain all the chaos you describe was fantastic way to end it.

  2. I loved the details and the description in the poem. It painted a vivid picture of the scene and the message that you were trying to convey. The whole story was connected very well and was very satisfying.

  3. The word choice in this was really unique, you used a lot of interesting words to convey your message. The general dark and cool vibe was also really interesting to read. The figurative language was used excellently as well!

  4. I liked the imagery and lines like "The shadows around, flipped like butterflies". This poem had a lot of descriptions that appeals to the reader.

  5. You have very unique imagery and phrasing that really creates an image in your head! Great job!

  6. The imagery in your poem was beautiful. The more I read the more I felt intrigued to read more.

  7. Your poem is extremely descriptive and really pulls you in. I like the line "When the bulbous shadow pry at the door / Coaxing to be let into the small room", because it really allows the reader to feel the emotions that would happen at this specific moment. Good job!


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