
Monday, September 19, 2016

Positive Change

Formidable yet flexible
A refusal to stay still
Stubborn yet agreeable
Stay the same; it will not
Contrary to the tree; rooted to the earth
It is like a dandelion seed; floating with the wind
Packed with great potential
Possibly more than the mighty tree
With thousands of possibilities for its life to begin
Its fate decided by the wind
Delicate and wandering
Forever  drifting
Forever changing
No two days are identical
The tree is set for life
Strong and immobile
The wind tries to carry it away, yet it is stuck
Forever the same habits
Forever the same place
Forever never changing


  1. This shows how the Tao is always changing the world, but the changes will always balance out for the better.

  2. This is like the Tao Te Ching because it uses a lot of oxymorons. I really liked how you used repetition and personification in this poem.

  3. Nice connection to nature


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