
Monday, September 19, 2016

Importance of Balance

The Importance of Balance

If you want to be open
Learn to trust
If you want to be free
Learn to let go
If you want peace with others
Learn to be at peace with yourself
If you want to see the light
Learn to be okay with darkness
If you want to be powerful
Learn to be weak

To be whole with yourself
You must know what it is like to be empty
Only once you have experienced the bad
Will you be able to appreciate the good


  1. I really like the repetition in the second stanza. I think this was a unique way to draw from the original Taoism poems and still using the element to make a statement.

  2. This is similar to the Tao poems in the way that it uses opposites/oxymorons, and the repetition. I think that balance is good to have in life and you wrote it well in this poem.

  3. This is a really good poem! I really like how you talked about the important things that contribute to balance. Balance was a main topic in the Tao Te Ching Poems and it was great that you showed that same throughout this poem. I also really liked that you did not mention balance in your poem however you described the importance of it.

  4. I love how it sounds like its a poem from the Tao Te Ching!It's really cool how you used the same poetry devices to make the style similar.


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