
Monday, September 19, 2016

Symmetry Among All Things

Symmetry can not be taught
It is not something that we can observe
It flows through all things, fueling the world

Everything has a mirror in the world
A parallel image
This is stability

Ying has a Yang
A sea has a fire
Schoolwork has fun

Without this balance
There are only two alternatives

Too much light will burn you up
Too much darkness and you will lose yourself in it
The Tao holds light in one hand, and dark in the other

The mortal world must be equal
Without balance, there is no world


  1. I like how you broke up your stanzas into specific examples and explanations. I think that the line breaks were a creative use of the elements of the Taoism poems that made your poem more powerful.

  2. I really like how you listed multiple examples of balance and I also really like how your first stanza and last both had to do with the world. I also like how you wrote about what would happen if there was no symmetry and you compare what it is like with it and how much it affects our world.


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