
Tuesday, September 20, 2016


The more dependent you become,
The less virtues you will gain.
The more you do and less you think,
Will only lead to depression and forfeiture.

Therefore do not follow the governing source,
But learn to be one with yourself.
Approach your goal with wit and judgment,
And the path will show itself to you.

One who happily works under the hand of another
Is no more than a follower.
One who waits to be given instructions
Is no more than a pet.
One who stands firm to his beliefs
Is a role model to others.

Think clearly before you act.
Approach steadfast, but cautiously,
Be confident, but act humble,
Be firm, but flexible,
Advance forwards, but always retrace your steps,
Think thoroughly, but do not overthink.

Only through these values,
Will you be able to control your peace and meaning within.


  1. I really appreciate the message, the part where you compare followers to pets is my favorite.

  2. This is a nice poem, I like how fluid it is. It connects very well with the Tao Te Ching poems

  3. I like how it was written

  4. The third stanza is very effective. It shows people doing what they feel is right, but you follow up by saying that this is not the right way to live. This helps show your message of independence very clearly.

  5. I feel that despite not following the lax values of Tao, you were still able to provide deep insight and a great connection on how people should try to lead their lives and strive to be more than a follower of others.


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