
Monday, September 19, 2016

chop wood, carry water

Chop wood, carry water
Such a simple task,
yet the burden of a thousand questions
Bears a silent, heavy weight

How shall I chop my wood?
In big, swooping arcs
Split straight down the center
Perfect logs for a chilly winter roast?
Uniform squares stacked high atop one another?

And when I carry this water
Do I carry it in a red bucket
a blue pail?

Where are the others,
that should be here to help?

The misty woods reveal no answer,
Yet the clouds of mind escape from sight

Do not dwell on such silly things,
the ideas within each idea
Such refusal to cut down your will
Will ensure you leave these woods uncut

The water which flows freely
Will not carry itself

Chop wood, carry water.
such an unpleasant necessity
grants eternal fulfillment

Chop wood, carry water.
Do not dwell in the forest, what will you do next?
Life flows in a continuous path

Doing overrides thinking,
Not attached to past
To yearn for the future is
to leave this present undone.

Put aside your desires
To return to the forest

To chop wood. carry water.

-Lyra Okita

Image result for chop wood, carry water
Lyra Okita


  1. The repetition in your poem stands out really well. I also really enjoy the line, "Such refusal to cut down your will
    Will ensure you leave these woods uncut" because I think it relates both aspects of your poem really well

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed the simplicity of the poem, and it was very reminiscent of the Tao Te Ching. The deeper meanings of these simple tasks were very unique, and it taught me something.

  3. I love how simple your poem is, yet how well written! It talks about the burden of simple tasks, which is one of the main themes of the Tao Te Ching. I love the line "Life flows in a continuous path."

  4. I really like your poem and how you carried the central message throughout the poem.


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