
Monday, September 19, 2016

The Right Direction

everyday part of the world is destroyed
everyday we look on the news
to see burning houses
and crying children

the world is being torn apart
little by little
we all know that
one day the world will eventually
disappear by our hands

our decisions
our choices
is what determines the future
there is no turning back
the world is moving at a faster pace
each time we advance

soon we will never catch up
never solve all the riddles
and all the problems
that circulate and balance
our life

we must not recklessly
make our decisions
our choices
and rather think carefully
to walk in the right direction

we must keep ourselves composed
and not lose our sense of humanity
to create a more advanced
and peaceful society
Image result for world in hands


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like your choice of syntax: personally, it makes the message seem more rounded and powerful. The picture also really captures the essence of the poem.

  3. I like your message a lot. I hold saving the world and helping everyone on it very dear to my heart as well. I agree, we have to be conscious of our decisions and protect the earth.

  4. Hey now, humans cant destroy the world. ourselves maybe, but earth? Na

  5. Hey now, humans cant destroy the world. ourselves maybe, but earth? Na

  6. Hi Claire. I really like how you used examples of real life situations to convey your message. Also, I agree that people need to pay more attention to their actions in order to have a more peaceful world.


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