
Monday, September 19, 2016


We all desire to be happy
but how can we expect to become positive
through thinking negatively?
We must be a downpour of positivity
combatting the drying up of our society

Positivity is like water
drenching each and every one of our roots
sparking growth and evolvement

Positivity is the cure
for all the hardships we face
for all we yearn for and desire
it quenches our complaints
and dissolves our conflicts
it opens a window
to let light in


  1. I really like the symbolism between positivity and water in your lines 4-8. I also think your first stanza asks a really good question, with a good response after.

  2. I liked how your poem flowed and the repetition of the word "positivity". You also compare it to water and my favorite line was "positivity is like water drenching each and every one of our roots sparking growth and environment."


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