
Monday, September 19, 2016

The Power of Endurance

Will you break as easily as a reed snaps
in the stormy gales of wind?
Will you resign to the mud of failure?
Will you let go,
or will you fight until you prevail?
Very rarely does the path begin with firm,
Very rarely will your feet not sink in quicksand
The journey of life is not scenic.
It is littered with hardships and difficult encounters
that distort the landscape into something harsh and dark and twisted.
It is up to you to choose whether to stay strong throughout it all
or stay easily defeated.
You must decide whether to endure
or whether to relinquish.
But one thing remains true:
Pushing on increases the chances of freeing your feet from the mud.
You never know until you try.
Like a caterpillar who has decided to break free of a chrysalis’s sticky walls,
no matter how hard the fight,
the stronger person will fight to push past the obstacles on the battlefield,
rather than giving up and withering in their own chrysalis.
when it comes to the game of Life,
will you play the cards of hardship to a better future,
or will you sit back and never taste victory or success?

Image result for path of life


  1. I loved the opening analogy. It did a great job of showing how good you are at writing poetry. And the symbolism thorough the piece was wonderful.

  2. I really liked how you opened the poem with questions, and used the repetitive style.

  3. I enjoyed how you expressed your message clearly while weaving metaphors into the lines of your poetry. Your figurative language helps paint a clear picture of your message.

  4. This is similar to the Tao poems where they present questions and then answer them as the poem goes along. I like the metaphors you used as well, they added a lot to the poem.

  5. This has great imagery and has such a great opening.

  6. The repetition really worked well to complement your message, and it follows the style of the Tao Te Ching. I can really feel the themes of endurance in this poem, good job!


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