
Monday, April 24, 2017

Amir's Guilt

This image represents Amir’s guilt. Amir is like a lone flower in the field because he has kept his guilt to himself for the past 26 years, not revealing his secret to anyone. He has isolated and distanced himself from everyone because he fears of how others will think of him. He cannot forgive himself for what he had done when he was a mere boy. Similar to the flower that has not fully budded, because Amir has not confronted his fears, he is unable to live in a life free of his past. However, he shows hope that his guilt can be released. The bottom part of the flower, the black part, shows the conflict that Amir has been battling. However, as he grew older, he began to blossom like a flower. All the guilt he carried starts to be released, like when a flower is blooming, and he begins to understand his responsibility.


  1. Although I can't see the photo, your description is well detailed and well explained so I know what it would be of. I like your idea of comparing Amir to a flower that hasn't fully budded.

  2. No comments because we couldn't see your image! :(
    Email me if you get it to work, please!


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