
Sunday, April 23, 2017

Directions for Kite Runner Metaphors

Directions for Kite Runner detailed metaphors connecting to themes and relationships
STEP 1: choose one aspect of the novel on which to focus
(ex: key relationship; personality trait of character; insecurity of character; key interaction; specific theme, etc.)

STEP 2: use your phone camera to take an image that serves as a metaphor for this aspect. It must include at least 3 specific elements that reveal different nuanced elements of your key aspect. Write paragraph and post with image on blog.

This image represents Amir’s phone call with Rahim Khan. Amir has placed a stone wall between him and his past, refusing to speak of his relationship with Hassan to anyone- even his wife. When Rahim Khan calls, it is like a small window has been carved out of the wall, and he is offered a chance of redemption by facing his past. He begins to remember what he left behind, represented by the fuzzy landscape seen through the image. His mind is a blur; he suddenly thinks of “Baba. Ali. Kabul” (2).  As he has hidden behind the wall for so long, he struggles to make sense of everything on the other side. However, his devotion for Rahim Khan is seen through the one flower in focus, and he chooses to focus on that. Because of his loyalty to Rahim Khan, Amir ultimately decides to return and learn of the possibility for redemption.

Important note: make sure you are going beyond the obvious!
Examples of what is too obvious:
  • Hassan appreciates Amir more than Hassan
  • Baba feels guilty when he sees Amir (or Hassan)
  • Amir seeks redemption through Sohrab
  • Amir feels like not having children is a punishment
  • Amir feels relief when getting beaten by Assef

These are all pretty blatantly stated in text & we have talked about them a lot.

Your post:
Title: [your key focus]
Labels: Your Names, Kite Runner Metaphors
Body of Post: Include image and explanation of how that image represents something specific from the novel. Clearly explain at least 3 aspects of the photo that reveal different nuances of your key focus.

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