
Monday, April 24, 2017

Pressure by: Alexis & Sarah

The flower represents Amir and the rock represents the pressure brought on by his peers. Amir always wanted to major in English, but was prevented by his father who wanted him to go to "medical school, law school, and [do] 'real work'"(134). The flower like Amir is unable to show his full potential. He was never allowed to do what he loved without feeling guilt for not being the perfect son in his father's eyes. The flower is cut off from the bush like Amir is cut off from his past, and he is left alone and isolated. He went to America with his father to forget his past, but was constantly reminded of his father not supporting him.


  1. I really liked your metaphor of how the flower is cut, similarly to how Baba and Amir's relationship is severed. It's really insightful and a great way to demonstrate how Amir feels isolated because he doesn't have Baba to guide him to do the right thing anymore.

  2. I really like how you covered up half the flower! It's a really cool way to represent Amir and Baba's relationship and how Baba sometimes forces his beliefs upon Amir.

  3. I like how the flower is being crushed, but you can still see its beauty and how looks like it's trying to escape from the rock.

  4. I really like your metaphor using the flower, the flower being cut accurately represents Amir and Baba's relationship. I think that it is also interesting to see that as the flower is cut off from the branch it starts to decompose, maybe like the potential that Amir has.

  5. I like how your metaphor of the flower can illustrate the estrangement and Amir's feelings about their relationship.

  6. This is a really nice picture but also I really like the metaphor. You were able to represent very well how the rock is this constant pressure that amir gets by his peers to do that they want him to do.

  7. Your metaphors were really creative, especially the one comparing Amir being unable to show his full potential to the rock crushing the flower.

  8. I appreciate how you connected the flower to Amir's potential in multiple ways beyond the obvious.


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