
Monday, April 24, 2017

Soraya and Amir's Relationship

This image represents Soraya and Amir's relationship. The chain itself symbolizes the barrier of dishonesty in the relationship between Soraya and Amir. Where the chain connects to the ground is the past that Amir refuses to let go of and tell Soraya. Amir's past leads to the dishonesty and secrets just as the connection to the ground leads to the chain. The tree itself is their love and marriage, still growing despite the chain digging into its trunk. The chain digs into the tree and breaks the bark which symbolizes how the dishonesty between Soraya and Amir hurts their relationship.


  1. I think you made a really interesting metaphor off of this picture and I can also see that part of the tree has grown over the chain which could symbolize that their love is not limited by Amir's secrets.

  2. I like how the chain represents the barrier of dishonesty between Amir and Soraya. I also think that because the tree is upright and tall, that could represent how love can overcome dishonesty and guilt.

  3. I like how the breaking of the bark symbolizes the dishonesty and pain in Amir and Soraya's relationship. I think that because the tree is so strong and continues to grow it could break away from the chain, just like the marriage, leaving all of the pain and suffering in the past.

  4. I think that the picture that you had chosen was very interesting, and had a lot of things that you could build on. I think that you could expand on how the chain was holding the relationship back, just like Amir was constantly weighed down by his secrets.

  5. I think that this metaphor was really deep and insightful, and very out of the ordinary.

  6. I think that your connection helped me view Soraya and Amir's relationship from a different perspective. The tree is a really good metaphor for their relationship, especially since it is portrayed as being very strong and loving throughout the book.

  7. A strong metaphor, the visuals helped me understand the relationship better.


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