
Monday, April 24, 2017

A Fallen Country

This picture represents the difference between Afghanistan during Hassan and Amir's childhood versus Sohrab's childhood. After the Taliban's power coup, the Afghanistan Amir once knew has crumbled. The pink flower represents how the country used to be, and how Amir's generation thrived. It is out of focus because it is just a distant memory from long ago. Instead, the dead flower in the foreground symbolizes how Afghanistan is currently suffering from strict Sharia Law. As Amir reminisces, "Returning to Kabul was like running into an old, forgotten friend and seeing that life hadn't been good to him, that he'd become homeless and destitute" (246). The ragged, brown petals reveal the suffering of the people under the Taliban's rule. Sohrab's generation is left scarred from their actions.


  1. I really like this picture. The way it was taken, it almost looks like the ground is slanted away and the foreground is higher. This makes it look like the pink flower, the glorious Afghanistan Amir once knew, has fallen down the slope into the dirt. The pointed petals of the dead flower appear like they are hanging on to the slope however, remaining there no matter what. This represents how the Taliban managed to stay in power no matter how many people challenged them.

  2. I like how you got really creative and thought a lot about what this could represent in the book.

  3. This photo has a great composition which supports your description of Amir's childhood being a fuzzy dream from the past. I really like the comparison between a clearly damaged flower and one that is still bright, a definite contrast that equals the contrast between their childhoods.

  4. this is a very high quality post. I give it a solid 10/10 would read again rating. the connections you made between the flowers and Afghanistan were on point, and you actually used a quote in your post. If i were to give criticism then I would say that your last sentence ends the post prematurely.

  5. I really like how you played with the different depth of field to get it out of focus. You could also say that the pink flower is still in the picture because Amir will never forget the old Afghanistan.

  6. I think it's very interesting how you included multiple flowers in your post. The contrast between the two are very well explained in your description.


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