
Monday, April 24, 2017

Social Divide

This image represents the divide between Amir and Hassan. While they both grew up together they have adverse characteristics. The border between the grass and the dirt resembles the wall between Hazara and Sunni. Afghani culture has lead to a negative societal view Hazara. This view has lead to a popular belief that it is acceptable to mistreat the minority. The dirt resembles Hassan and his natural purity. He is simple yet cares for others simultaneously. On the other side of the wall there is growing grass. The grass portrays the development within Amir's character. Amir started off much like the seeds of grass, weak and fearful of the world around him. After many trials and errors, Amir has matured into a well rounded member of society. Additionally the gap in the grass shows that everyone is not perfect. Amir still blames himself for his childhood actions.


  1. I think that the concept of the "pure" gravel is a good way to describe it. I think that the crack could also represent Baba, torn between his two sons.

  2. While I enjoy your connection to the divided grass and dirt, with the division of Amir and Hassan, I feel like your third connection could have been stronger. you talk about a Gap in grass but I dont see any specific gap in grass. Maybe Im blind but I think for the future try to find connections that when brought into the light are more obvious

  3. It's really amazing to see how you could compare the simplicity of separated grass and dirt to Amir and Hassan's relationship. I also enjoyed how you said that Amir, though originally weak and prone to making mistakes, is on his way to becoming a better person. I think the dirt could also represent how Hassan has been treated like dirt in the sense that he was bullied for being a Hazara and a S'hia.

  4. I really like how you've used the word divide to bring out so many concepts in the book. This could also show the divide between Afghani culture and American culture.

  5. The way you used characteristics of the grass and dirt themselves to draw connection to Amir and Hassan's characters, instead of just the line between them, was effective.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. It's interesting how you use the grass and the dirt to show Amir and Hassan because they are really close to each other, but there is still a large divide between them

  8. I like how much meaning you were able to draw from this metaphor. Connecting Amir to seeds of grass was very creative.

  9. I think it's great that you were able to use such a simple picture to explain a detailed concept. I think that the little tufts of grass in the gravel can also represent the few exceptions of Pashtuns who accept Hazaras, like Baba. It can also show how they are in some aspect of Hassan's life and influence him in some kind of way.


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