
Monday, April 24, 2017

Amir and Baba's Relationship

This image shown represents Baba as the green net. Though Baba is portrayed as a strong character, inside he is conflicted and holds many secrets that he doesn't share with Amir, and protects these secrets by alienating Amir. This stronghold is represented by the metal fence that protects Baba and his secrets. However once Baba and Amir arrive in America, Baba starts to depend on Amir. This is shown by the hole and the fraying edges in the net because although Baba is not directly telling Amir his secrets, he starts to respect Amir and let him form the father/son relationship both of them had been deprived of for so long. Outside of the hole, is green grass showing a better life they are living and enjoying because Amir has a father to rely on and look up to, while Baba also has a someone to rely on and trust, and a son to be proud of.



  1. I think that your representation is really insightful and I also think that you could use your image to show the relationship between Amir and Ali. Previously, Amir and Ali were relatively close, however after Amir begins ignoring Hassan there is a tear in Ali's bond with Amir.

  2. I really like the representation that you did here. Specifically where you mention that outside of the hole, the grass is greener once Baba an Amir start to have a father son boond when they move to the U.S. I feel like the grass cpuld also represent how Amir was feeling after he found out and forgave Baba for lying to him about Hassan being his half brother. He learns to forgive Baba and is able to move on.

  3. I really like your metaphor about the green grass, showing how there is so much more potential for the two of them if they would open up and share that father/son bond.

  4. I think it's interesting how you used the fraying edges of the net to extend your metaphor, and the part about the green grass was really insightful. I think the tear in the net could also represent the more and more of Baba Amir is beginning to see and learn about.

  5. I like the 2 sided Baba that you illustrate well.

  6. It shows how Baba really does change and open up and connect with Amir in ways shown never before. I like how the Chain link fence is Afghanistan Baba and the cloth with a hole is America Baba.

  7. I like how you incorporated both parts of the fence as both sides of Baba. I also like how the hole shows hope for the future by revealing the green grass.

  8. I really like how there are many layers to your metaphor, allowing it to accurately illustrate the depth and complexity of Amir's relationship with Baba. This image seems like it could also represent Amir's relationship with Rahim Khan, or more specifically, his phone call with Rahim Khan. The hold in the fence showing green grass on the other side could represent how Rahim Khan opens up a new opportunity, one that seems like it could be very beneficial to Amir by allowing him to be "good again" and finally letting him see past the fence of his guilt that has been holding him back.


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