
Monday, April 24, 2017

Significance of America

This image signifies the role of America in The Kite Runner. The branches represent the different facets of diversity in the country as shown through the Afghan community that Amir and Baba integrate themselves into during the flea market. The tree itself is home to a multitude of creatures and can be an escape from the outside world. Similar to how a squirrel scales a tree in order to escape its predators, Amir and Baba escape to America to find refuge from the volatile government in Afghanistan. Although there are separate leaves, they are all intertwined through the tree's branches. In America, Amir and Baba "grow" closer together through their struggle to adapt to a new environment. Even though they are different people, America provides a way for them to connect and bond in a way they could not before. 


  1. I love how the branches represent a different culture/identity yet they all come back to the core and make up the tree! Really creative metaphor.

  2. I really like how you tied everything back to growing and diversity, which represents a tree very well. The idea of Amir and Baba being represented as a squirrel is a very interesting point, and I like the deeper thinking behind it. Another connection that could be made is that trees need a strong base in order to grow tall and strong. Much so, Amir can only mature and learn from his mistakes if he has a lot of support from his friends and family, like Rahim Kahn, Baba, and even Hassan.

  3. I really think that a tree accurately describes america within the book and I also think that part of the metaphor is how large and daunting the tree is in comparison to everything around it.

  4. I love how you talked about each individual leaf being a new perspective, but they all come together to form a strong, beautiful tree. It truly shows the beauty of America and how acceptance is an expectation in America, not a privilege.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I really like how you chose to talk about diversity, it was very creative! Another metaphor could me that the sky represents Afghanistan because even though it is in the background, it is still present, and Amir and Baba will never forget it.

  7. I like how you used real life examples with animals who use trees and connect them to characters in the book and how you talk about America.

  8. I like how in depth this metaphor goes, it has lots of layers. I also like how you didn't really talk about characters, but america instead.


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