
Monday, April 24, 2017

Gateway to Redemption

This image represents Baba's attitude towards redemption and the path he takes to achieve redemption. After he commits the sin of fathering Hassan, Baba faces a choice; he can either remain guilty or he can strive to atone for his sins. The gate symbolizes the impeding nature of the moral decision he is forced to face. The "Keep clear at all times" sign illustrates the pressure and difficulty of redeeming himself and becoming a better person. As demonstrated in the image, Baba walks past the gate, taking the strenuous path of redemption, or walking past his obstacles to be a magnanimous and honorable man who gives back to his community. The subject's back to the photographer furthers the concept that while Baba may regret his mistakes, he does not dwell on the past or look back, but instead faces the future beyond, riddled with obstacles as it may. These obstacles include the journey away from Afghanistan, life in America, and raising Amir (the bicycles). 


  1. I really like the different metaphors that represent Baba through this one picture and I think they are all very accurate. I think the large building in the back can also show the new place (America) that Baba is headed to.

  2. I like how you portray redemption. It's also interesting how you use the sign and the bicycles to show how hard the path to redemption is.

  3. This is a really great metaphor. I love how intricate and detailed the whole metaphor is.

  4. This is such a creative metaphor and its really cool how everything in the photo means something and is part of the message of the character of Baba

  5. I really like how much thought went into the metaphor and how you were able to make connections from each aspect of the photo. Everything ties into each other and makes the picture whole.

  6. This is a really cool metaphor I love how you even incorporate the "keep clear at all times" sign into it, very creative.

  7. I like how you included all parts of your photo in the explanation. You took this in depth and added a lot of details.


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