
Monday, April 24, 2017

Amir and Baba's Relationship

This photo of heart stickers posted on a locker represents how Amir blatantly shows his love and admiration towards Baba, but Baba remains locked and stoic towards Amir. Parts of the hearts have been ripped off showing how Baba has almost ruthlessly denied Amir's attempts to connect with him and continues to isolate himself from his son's affection. However, some hearts remain intact, showing that Amir and Baba do have some connecting moments where they mutually have a connection. But, these small hearts are always overshadowed by the lock, which is the focal point of the picture. This inability to have Baba open up to Amir is also the focal point of their relationship at the beginning of the book.


  1. I really like this photo which describes the relationship between Baba and Amir pretty well. However, it only resembles this relationship from the beginning of the book. If you were to change the meaning of this photo a bit, you could say that Baba is the locker, locking his secrets away from Amir who is requesting attention and love.

  2. I really like the way that you used many different aspects of the locker to really capture the relationship between Baba and Amir. The way that you go into depth with the half ripped heart is really unique beause you really work with what you are given.

  3. The image you picked is very telling, and you guys did a great job of connecting every aspect of it to the facets of Amir and Baba's relationship. Good job!

  4. I really like this photo, my partner and I were actually going to use the same photo with the relationship between Amir and Soraya. You could use this same image to describe several relationships in this book, but I think the way you use Baba and Amir is really good.

  5. I think a locker is a very fitting metaphor for Baba's attitude towards Amir. He is always very cold towards his son despite Amir's attempts to bond with him.

  6. Wow, this is a really good metaphor. You guys used the locker and the hearts very well especially to describe how the ripped of hearts showing how Baba denied Amirs love.

  7. I thought this metaphor between Amir and Hassan was great! It's very fitting for the two characters, and later in the novel Amir manages to open the lock.

  8. This metaphor is perfect and you have done a great job explaining all of the aspects of the picture

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I think the lock is a really good metaphor for Baba's closed-off way of dealing with Amir. I like how you explored how Baba's aloofness overshadowed Amir's constant tries to make amends with his father.


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