
Thursday, March 16, 2017

South Africa: The Stay at Home Parents of the World

South Africa: The Stay at Home Parents of the World
In America, unemployment has long been regarded as a serious and pressing issue, even though only 4.7% of all Americans are unemployed (United). In South Africa, nearly 30% of all citizens are unemployed, and the percentage is still increasing (FIN24).  Although many attempts have been made to repair this problem, the unemployment rate in South Africa is only going up.
Many factors lead to the prevalence of unemployment in South Africa. Two of the main catalysts are the high rates of unemployment among young people and the lack of diversity in the job market. These factors, combined with the rampant poverty that many citizens are already living in, affect around 8.9 million people, which is nearly a quarter of the South African population (Holodny).
First of all, for the youth of South Africa, the struggle of finding work continues to intensify as the rate of unemployment rises. Of the population of people from ages 15 to 34, 45% are unemployed (Sowetan).One of the leading causes of this issue is the job market’s general distrust of young people (Cameron). Many companies are unwilling to hire South African youth and raise numerous requirements to prevent the youth from applying (Sowetan). Furthermore, the majority of young South Africans are being born into impoverished rural areas. This economic and geographic position hinders their ability to get access to information and the internet more readily found in the cities (Sowetan). Without internet, many people have limited choices, because they cannot look online for jobs or knowledge to help them (Cameron). This cycle of poverty and unemployment will only grow worse as the children of this generation are born into poverty as well (Cameron).
Another significant issue is the specialization of South Africa’s job market. South Africa does not offer many jobs that involve manual labor, and instead the market prefers higher paying and more advanced jobs. This excludes a large majority of the population because the education system in many parts of the country does not provide a meaningful degree for people looking for jobs (Solution). Additionally, the government does not permit private companies to employ people for temporary and low wage jobs. This continues to limit the job opportunities of many people, according to numerous experts (Cameron).
Many experts on this issue have provided a short term, as well as a long term solution. Laurie Graham, a Senior Researcher at the Social Development Center for Africa, explains that the most effective short term solution would be to have companies focus on hiring younger people (Cameron). Also, lowering wages and allowing private companies to hire people for short amounts of time would give much more people the opportunity to find a job (Sowetan). Over time, Laurie Graham believes that by following a “fundamentally new approach that is urban-led, private sector-driven, enabled by a capable state, and aimed at mass employment”, South Africa can reduce unemployment drastically.

Although the issue of unemployment is currently very serious in South Africa, there are many solutions being offered to fix it. Many experts advocate that South Africa must become realistic in its industry opportunities, and work to provide lower paying jobs for the majority of its citizens (Solution). Without change, the problem of unemployment will continue to grow.

Works Cited
Bernstein, Ann. "South Africa's Unemployment Crisis the Worst in the World." Sowetan LIVE. N.p., 13 Apr. 2016. Web. 06 Mar. 2017.
Cameron, Jackie. "Scary Truth about SA Unemployment: Half of Young Adults Can't Find Jobs - New Research." N.p., 14 Feb. 2017. Web. 08 Mar. 2017.
"Double Trouble for SA over Soaring Unemployment." Fin24. Fin24, 11 May 2016. Web. 06 Mar. 2017.
Graham, Lauren. "What South Africa Can Do about Youth Unemployment in the Short Run."Sowetan Live. N.p., 17 Feb. 2017. Web. 7 Mar. 2017.
Holodny, Elena. "South Africa's Unemployment Rate Just Surged to a 12-year High."Business Insider Australia. N.p., 09 May 2016. Web. 10 Mar. 2017.
"The Solution to South Africa’s Unemployment Problem: Pay People Less." BusinessTech. N.p., 29 Sept. 2016. Web. 10 Mar. 2017.
"United States Unemployment Rate | 1948-2017 | Data | Chart | Calendar." United States Unemployment Rate | 1948-2017 | Data | Chart | Calendar. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2017.


  1. I liked both of your main points, which were strongly supported, and you went through the topic well.

  2. I really like how you explained why the unemployment rate in South Africa is so high by pointing out unique factors that contribute to the problem, like the fact that temp jobs are illegal. I also found it really interesting how there are very few jobs that require little to no education and that the education system is not preparing young people for a job market like this. I was also wondering why are temp and low wage jobs illegal for companies to have?


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