
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Directions for Africa Issue Post

Directions for Africa Issue Post:

Publish -  Publish your article to the class blog; be sure to include your catchy headline. Under your article, you will need to post your Works Cited (only the sources cited in your article in MLA format), as this is a public blog and we need to give credit to all sources. You are welcome to include an image as long as it is a “Free to Use” image. Be sure to LABEL with “Africa Issue” and your first and last name (the exact same wording/spelling of your name as on earlier Blogger posts). Due at the beginning of class on Friday, March 17.
Be sure to hit the orange "publish" button. View blog to make sure your post is there, and is labeled properly! (check to see that you can see your post when you click on your name AND when you click on "Africa Issue.")

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