
Monday, October 3, 2016

Wave after wave

Wave after wave

"When he began to sing the wrinkles billowed out, forming little waves that rippled across his tanned and gleaming body." (Sijie 75)

"Every now and then it disappeared into a roll of skin, but just as it seemed lost forever in the tidal flow it re-emerged, dignified and prime." (Sieje 75)

Image result for waves

When Sijie describes the Old Storytellers stomach as waves, that always re-emerged I believe he was trying to capture the spirits of the Old Storyteller, Luo, and the narrator. The Old Storyteller has clearly been around for quite a while, and the never ending waves of his stomach represent the never ending waves of his spirit and happiness. Luo and the narrator have both been through so much because of the re-education, and when there spirits and true happiness seem to be fading, they always find a way to make sure neither of those things cease to exist. 

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